Executive Meeting Minutes - January 20, 2013
01/24/2013 02:13
Executive Meeting via Skype
Wuyeh Sanyang
Alhagie Saibo Drammeh
Bakary Jallow
Pa Joof
Maimuna Sey
Cherno B. Jallow
Filly Sabaly
MB Krubally
Date & Time: 1/20/2013 @ 16:00 GMT
· Welcome and opening prayers
· Opening FOB Update
· Financial Update - 5 Minutes
· Election Update
· Membership dues – Increase or not? – General. 2013 Dues
· Next project to take on
· Basse Marathon and tree planting suggestion on the website
· Round table & next meeting date
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Alh. Saibo Drammeh.
After the prayers, Wuyeh Sanyang, welcomed the attendees and thanked them for attending the meeting.
Wuyeh spoke about the recently concluded nomination and informed the group that they have began the consultation process which will continue through January 23, 2013. He however expressed the low turnout during the nomination process and encouraged members to reach out to the general public to ensure a larger turn out for the approaching elections.
Wuyeh and his team were thanked by the attendees for a job well done. Some of the attendees expressed the idea of extending the nomination period to seek larger participation. After a short discussion, it was agreed to abide by the set dates to ensure that the new executive is in place as stipulated in the constitution.
Financial Update:
Financial office Filly Sabally update the attendees that the FOB – Gambia account current balance is D7310.00. He stated that there was a D100.00 bank fees for the month of December that was deducted. This brought about a discussion that lead to a unanimous decision to change the account to a saving account, thus avoid the monthly D100.00 bank fees. Moving forward the financial officers will withdraw cash on a need basis rather than writing checks. This will avoid future monthly bank fees.
Filly also updated the group of his recent trip to Basse. He had just returned from a short vacation but had trouble connecting with FOB project manager Dawda Sankarey. He also stated that he had spoken to some members on the ground but was not able to coordinate a meeting due to the youth conference that was taking place in Bansang. Most of the Basse youths had traveled to Bansang to attend the conference.
Regarding funds collected on the ground, he notified the group that he had received a D100.00 membership fee from Ms. Aminata Sey. He is also to confirm a D500.00 deposit from Modou Kuto Jaiteh. Modou will send him a list of the contributors which he will forward to the webmasters to update the membership list on the website.
The financial discussions extend into a recent email sent by Alh. Sellou Jallow notifying the group of a yearly maintenance fee that is due for the FOB-Europe account. It was noted that a €50 annual fee will be applied to the account if we keep it open.
Given the low number of transactions that takes place in that account, members agreed to close the account and start directing our European members to pay their dues to the financial officers in the Gambia.
Further discussion showed how this might discourage members from paying if they have to pay additional fees to get the money to the Gambia. Members agreed for Alh. Saibo Drammeh to reach out to Mr. Ousainou Krubally to see if he will allow us to use his personal account for members to deposit their due and he would in turn forward the money to the Gambia in a lump sum. Filly Sabally will reach out to Alh. Sellou Jallow as a back up.
Since the rest of the financial officer were not around to give us more updates on the other accounts, Mr. Pa Joof notified the group of coming expense FOB will be incurring. Pa is planning on buying a $20.00 skype credit for the Poll Officers to continue their consultation process with nominated members on the ground. Pa also notified us of a pending transaction worth about $215.00 to renew the website hosting fees for the next two years. He will update the financial officers once these transactions are completed.
2013 Membership Fees:
Regarding the 2013 membership dues, executive members agreed to pay their dues by the end of the month to set a good example. It was noted that Mr. Bully Camara had already paid his 2013 dues and members agreed to reach out to the general membership and encourage them to renew their membership as soon as possible. Mr. Pa Joof will create a 2013 spreadsheet and also place a banner on the website to remind members.
A small write up will also be placed on the webpage to remind members. The president will also send a reminder to members via email reminding them to renew their membership. Members are encourage to look into different methods on how to expand our membership base and Vice President Ms. Maimuna Sey is seriously looking into engaging our sister folks on the ground.
Per request from a few members during the last general meeting, the executive members looked into the possibility of increasing the annual membership fees. An increase was approved by the executive as listed below. However given the new executive will be in place by mid February, the matter was deferred until they take office. For now, the change is expected to take effect January 1, 2014. The new fees will be as follow:
Region |
2012 Dues |
2013 Dues |
Gambia |
D100.00 |
D200.00 |
Europe |
€25 |
€40.00 |
United Kingdom |
£20 |
£30.00 |
United States |
$40.00 |
$60.00 |
Open Forum:
2013 Projects:
Due to time constraints, the new 2013 projects will be discussed at the next meeting.
Feedback and Basse Marathon Recommendation:
A gentleman by the name of Sarjo had recommended that we look into a “Basse Marathon” and a “Tree Planting” exercise. Members agreed for the executive on the ground to sphere head this project. Mr. Filly Sabally will reach out the members on the ground and seriously look into organizing a “Basse Marathon”. He will update the executive at the next meeting.
A Proposal from MetroTax Consulting:
MetroTax & Consulting, LLC Owner/Principal Consultant Mr. Pa Joof came with a proposal to advertise his tax services to FOB members. He offered to pay FOB $15.00 for each referral. After a short discussion, members agreed to work with him. MetroTax will pay FOB $200.00 to advertise on our website rather than the commission base proposal. A contract is being drawn which will be approved by the Editor. The general public will be notified of this contract as a guideline for future advertising.
A Funeral Fund Proposal:
Some Basserians in the New York area had reached out to some executive members expressing the desire to set up a “funeral fund”. After a serious look and discussion on this matter, the executive came to the conclusion that the idea is a great one but needs to be looked into further. At this time, these members, Basserians and friends of Basse are all encouraged to come on board and continue the wonderful job we all started.
Next Meeting:
The meeting lasted about two hours and was closed with a prayer by Cherno B. Jallow. The meeting was adjourned at around 7pm GMT.