Executive Meeting Minutes 12/9/12
12/13/2012 22:45
Participants via Skype:
Alh. Sellou Jallow
Alh. Saibo Drammeh
Haruna Farage - called in but we were not able to hear him
Bakary Jallow
Cherno B. Jallow - tried to call in without success
Mamadou Salieu Jallow
Pa Joof
Wuyeh Yerro Sanyang
Mutarr Jallow
Alhagie Sey
MB Krubally
Date & Time: 11/17/12 @ 17:00 GMT
· Welcome and opening prayers
· Financial Update
· Basse trip debrief ( Meeting, Membership list, Projects update)
· Scholarship program
· Election Preparation
· General Meeting Date
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Wuyeh Yorro Sanyang. Since the president Alh. Sellou Jallow and the vice president Maimuna Sey were not present; secretary MB Krubally chaired the meeting.
After the prayers, Wuyeh thanked the members for attending the meeting and emphasized on the importance of getting the names of those member on the ground in Basse that paid their dues. He stated that this will help him and his team, the Electoral Board to conduct an effective election. He and his team will also send an email to the general body announcing the coming elections.
Financial Update:
Mamadou Salieu Jallow : Gave a breakdown of FOB fund as listed below:
· FOB Europe 506.15 EUR
· In FOB Account, (Gambia Account) – D7310.00
· In FOB Account (US Account) - $1886.00
· In FOB Account (UK) - £60.00
· Alh. Saibo and Alh. Sellou also communicated that there is about D16,030.00 left from the projects that were being worked on. The financial officers will follow up and update the spreadsheet accordingly.
Mamadou presented the spreadsheet he has been using to keep track of the funds. He will from here on give an update at each meeting. He and his team will be responsible in keeping the spreadsheet up to date.
Since none of the executive members that went on the Basse trip were available at this time, the election preparation agenda was discussed.
Coming Elections Preprations:
Mr. Wuyeh Saying informed the team that the Electoral committee is on track and he encouraged members especially those on the ground to get the complete list of all that have paid their 2012 dues.
Members communicated that they are looking to recruit a few members on the ground that they think might make good officials. A few names were mentioned and respective member will reach out to them. First the potential members must be active meaning they must have paid their 2012 dues.
Members were alerted to notify these potential nominees and any future nominees that the executive position is a voluntary position and that there is no financial reward.
At this point discussions were held on what type of set up member thought might be helpful for FOB to be effective on the ground. Some cautioned to ensure that any set up put in place will not result to a conflict. Members expressed that a committee on the ground will help take some pressure off the Project manager, Mr. Dawda Sankarey. Three options were presented as stated below and MB Krubally will send out these options for members to vote on them. The options were:
· Option 1. Have members on the ground elect two or three more people to join the already elected FOB executives to run FOB affairs on the ground. This group will report directly to the FOB worldwide executive.
· Option 2. Have a committee on the ground consisting of elected member by the members on the ground. This committee will report to the elected FOB executive/s based in Basse. Elected FOB executives cannot be a part of this committee as the committee will be reporting to them.
· Option 3. Have a committee on the ground. This committee will be elected by the members on the ground and will compromise of any member that wants to run. Elected executives can be elected for this committee and the committee will report directly to the FOB executive (worldwide). The goal here is to empower members on the ground to pick a group of people that will be handling FOB affairs in Basse. An elected FOB official can run for this committee or choose not to.
At this point Alh. Sellou directed members to their Basse trip summary he sent earlier. He wanted members to read it and understand what their observation was during their visit. He also pointed out that two students have been identified to receive sponsorship from the Scholarship project. He was directed to move forward and present the funding. Members will further discuss at the next meeting how to proceed on the scholarship program as there seems to be some confusion and disagreement on the selections process.
General Meeting:
Members agreed to holding a general meeting on Sunday, December 23, 2012. This date and details will be confirmed at the next executive meeting and an announcement will be sent out to the general public.
Next Meeting: The meeting was adjourned at around 7pm GMT and the next executive meeting will be held on Sunday, December 9, 2012. Meeting announcement will be sent.